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  • It is noteworthy that the discovery of rubber dates back thousands of years. It all started when ancient civilizations in South America noticed the fascinating properties of the milky-white liquid that flowed from the rubber trees. But it wasn't until the 19th century that natural rubber began to be widely used as a real material. Rubber was originally used to make tires and other industrial products. is noteworthy that the discovery of rubber dates back thousands of years. It all started when ancient civilizations in South America noticed the fascinating properties of the milky-white liquid that flowed from the rubber trees. But it wasn't until the 19th century that natural rubber began to be widely used as a real material. Rubber was originally used to make tires and other industrial products.
    It is noteworthy that the discovery of rubber dates back thousands of years. It all started when ancient civilizations in South America noticed the fascinating properties of the milky-white liquid that flowed from the rubber trees. But it wasn't until the 19th century that natural rubber began to be widely used as a real material. Rubber was originally used to make tires and other industrial products.
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