SantaMedical is one of the best Medical Equipment Manufacturer Company based in the USA. At SantaMedical we make best Pulse Oximeter, Tens Unit, Blood pressure Monitor and many more medical equipment by which you can monitor your healthy.
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  • What are the Advantages of a Sphygmomanometer? A sphygmomanometer, also known as a blood pressure monitor, is an instrument used to measure blood pressure. Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of arteries. Arteries are vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood from your heart to the rest of your body. Monitoring your blood pressure is a good way to monitor your overall health and well-being. Read More At -
    What are the Advantages of a Sphygmomanometer? A sphygmomanometer, also known as a blood pressure monitor, is an instrument used to measure blood pressure. Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of arteries. Arteries are vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood from your heart to the rest of your body. Monitoring your blood pressure is a good way to monitor your overall health and well-being. Read More At -
    What are the advantages of a sphygmomanometer?
    A sphygmomanometer, also known as a blood pressure monitor, is an instrument used to measure blood pressure. Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of arteries. Arteries are vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood from your heart to the rest of your body. Monitoring your blood pressure is a good way to monitor your overall health and well-being. The sphygmomanometer is one of the most important tools in helping healthcare professionals detect any abnormalities with a patient’s cardiovascular system, as well as diagnose and treat certain conditions such as hypertension. It allows them to take accurate readings of a patient’s blood pressure and use these readings to determine the best course of treatment. There are many advantages to using a sphygmomanometer for measuring blood pressure. It is easy to use, affordable and can be used in both clinical and home settings. The device is also non-invasive, meaning that it does not penetrate the skin and is relatively safe. Additionally, it provides an accurate measure of a patient’s blood pressure. Finally, it is a reliable tool for diagnosing and treating many different health conditions. A sphygmomanometer measures blood pressure, an essential indicator of overall health. They are easy to use and can be purchased relatively cheaply. They are also very accurate and reliable, making them a great tool for monitoring blood pressure over time. Additionally, they do not require special skills or training, so anyone can easily check their blood pressure at home. Finally, sphygmomanometers are non-invasive and painless, making it an ideal choice for those who are uncomfortable with more invasive methods of measuring blood pressure. With the help and accuracy of a sphygmomanometer, people can gain greater insight into their own health and make better choices to lead healthier lives. In conclusion, a sphygmomanometer can be an excellent tool for monitoring and managing one’s own blood pressure levels. With its accuracy, affordability, convenience, and non-invasive nature, it is the perfect choice for anyone who wants to keep an eye on their blood pressure at home. It can provide important information that can help healthcare professionals detect or diagnose a wide range of medical conditions. In addition, it is an invaluable tool for those who want to make sure that their blood pressure is within healthy parameters at all times. If you are interested in purchasing a sphygmomanometer, please visit the Santamedical website. Our devices are easy to use and affordable, making them the perfect choice for anyone who wants to monitor their blood pressure at home. We also offer a wide range of other medical products, so be sure to browse our website for all your health needs. Thank you for choosing Santamedical!
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  • Utilizing a TENS Unit to Relieve Pain If you're looking for a way to relieve pain, you may want to consider using a TENS unit. A TENS unit sends electrical signals through your skin and can help reduce pain in various areas of your body. It can be used to treat chronic pain associated with conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia, as well as acute pain from an injury. It's also been shown to help relieve muscle tension and soreness, which can often lead to headaches and migraines.
    Utilizing a TENS Unit to Relieve Pain If you're looking for a way to relieve pain, you may want to consider using a TENS unit. A TENS unit sends electrical signals through your skin and can help reduce pain in various areas of your body. It can be used to treat chronic pain associated with conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia, as well as acute pain from an injury. It's also been shown to help relieve muscle tension and soreness, which can often lead to headaches and migraines.
    Utilizing a TENS Unit to Relieve Pain
    If you're looking for a way to relieve pain, you may want to consider using a TENS unit. A TENS unit sends electrical signals through your skin and can help reduce pain in various areas of your body. It can be used to treat chronic pain associated with conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia, as well as acute pain from an injury. It's also been shown to help relieve muscle tension and soreness, which can often lead to headaches and migraines. Using a TENS unit is generally very easy; all you need to do is attach the electrodes to your skin and set the machine to the right level of intensity. Depending on what kind of pain you're trying to relieve, you may want to experiment with different settings until you find the one that works best for you. Many people find that they can get relief within minutes after turning on the unit. TENS units are generally considered safe and have few side effects. However, it's important to talk with your doctor before using one if you have any health conditions such as a pacemaker or epilepsy. Additionally, pregnant women should avoid using a TENS unit as the electrical signals could potentially harm the baby. Overall, a TENS unit can be an effective way to relieve pain and tension. If you're considering using one, it's important to talk with your doctor first to be sure that it is the right treatment for you. With a little trial and error, you may find that a TENS unit can help make chronic or acute pain more bearable. If you would like to learn more about TENS units and how to use them, please feel free to contact us. We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks for reading! If you're looking for a safe, effective way to reduce pain and muscle tension, a TENS unit from Santamedical website may be the perfect solution for you. Our TENS units are made with quality materials and feature adjustable levels of intensity, allowing you to find just the right amount of relief for your particular needs.
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  • Automated BP vs Manual BP Measurement: Which is Better? Automated blood pressure measurements are more accurate than manual measurements, according to a recent study. The study found that automated BP readings were closer to actual systolic and diastolic blood pressures than manual readings. Read More at -
    Automated BP vs Manual BP Measurement: Which is Better? Automated blood pressure measurements are more accurate than manual measurements, according to a recent study. The study found that automated BP readings were closer to actual systolic and diastolic blood pressures than manual readings. Read More at -
    Automated BP vs Manual BP Measurement: Which is Better?
    Automated blood pressure measurements are more accurate than manual measurements, according to a recent study. The study found that automated BP readings were closer to actual systolic and diastolic blood pressures than manual readings. For those who have trouble taking manual readings, automated measurements may be a better option. Automated measurements are often more comfortable and easier to use than traditional BP cuffs. In addition, the accuracy of automated readings can help reduce errors in diagnosis and treatment for high blood pressure. Using an automated BP measurement device is also helpful for tracking progress. Automated readings can provide more precise and frequent measurements, which can help you monitor your BP over time. Monitoring and tracking changes in your BP is essential for long-term management of hypertension. Although automated devices may be more accurate than manual readings, there are a few drawbacks to consider. The cost of an automated device is typically higher than a manual cuff. Plus, if you don’t use the device correctly, the readings may not be accurate or useful. Ultimately, the choice of manual vs automated BP measurement depends on your individual needs. Talk to your doctor about which option would be best for you and learn how to use it correctly. Doing so can help ensure that you get accurate and reliable blood pressure readings, which can help you manage hypertension more effectively. If you’re looking to monitor and manage high blood pressure more effectively, then an automated BP measurement device is an ideal choice. Automated measurements are more accurate than manual readings and can provide more precise and frequent measurements for tracking progress over time. Santamedical offers a wide range of automated BP measuring devices for home use that are designed for accuracy and convenience. Visit Santamedical website today to find the ideal device for your needs.
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  • Who Is a Candidate for TENS Therapy? TENS is a type of electrotherapy that has been used in physical therapy clinics since the 1970s, but it can also be done at home with a special device. It works by sending mild electric pulses through electrodes placed on or near the skin to stimulate nerves and reduce pain signals sent to the brain. But who is a candidate for TENS therapy? Read More Here to Find Out -
    Who Is a Candidate for TENS Therapy? TENS is a type of electrotherapy that has been used in physical therapy clinics since the 1970s, but it can also be done at home with a special device. It works by sending mild electric pulses through electrodes placed on or near the skin to stimulate nerves and reduce pain signals sent to the brain. But who is a candidate for TENS therapy? Read More Here to Find Out -
    Who Is a Candidate for TENS Therapy?
    Are you looking for an alternative to traditional medications and treatments for chronic pain? Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy may be the answer. TENS is a type of electrotherapy that has been used in physical therapy clinics since the 1970s, but it can also be done at home with a special device. It works by sending mild electric pulses through electrodes placed on or near the skin to stimulate nerves and reduce pain signals sent to the brain. But who is a candidate for TENS therapy? Read on to find out! TENS therapy is suitable for many people who suffer from both acute and chronic pain. It is particularly effective in relieving back pain, joint disorders such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, neck pain, headaches, and migraines. It can also be used to reduce post-surgical pain or labor pains during childbirth. Generally speaking, anyone who is experiencing pain can benefit from TENS therapy. Although nearly everyone can try TENS therapy, it is not suitable for everyone. It should not be used on people with heart conditions or implanted medical devices such as pacemakers and defibrillators. People with epilepsy or pregnant women should also avoid using TENS therapy unless they have been specifically instructed to do so by their doctor. TENS therapy is a safe and effective way to treat chronic pain without the need for medications or surgery. If you are suffering from any kind of pain, talk to your doctor about whether TENS therapy could be right for you. It could be the answer to managing your pain! In conclusion, TENS therapy can be used to treat many types of chronic pain. It is generally safe for most people, but people with heart conditions or implanted medical devices should not use it unless instructed by their doctor. Talk to your doctor about whether TENS therapy could be the solution to managing your pain. If you are looking for a safe and effective solution to manage your chronic pain, then look no further than TENS therapy. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy is a type of electrotherapy that has been used in physical therapy clinics since the 1970s. It works by stimulating nerves through electrodes placed on or near the skin to reduce pain signals sent to your brain. Visit the Santamedical website today to learn more about TENS therapy and find the TENS device that is right for you!
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  • Frostbite Injury Due to Improper Usage of an Ice Pack Frostbite is a serious medical condition that can occur when skin and tissue are exposed to cold temperatures for too long. It’s important to be aware of the risks associated with frostbite, especially if you use an ice pack as part of your recovery process. Read More at
    Frostbite Injury Due to Improper Usage of an Ice Pack Frostbite is a serious medical condition that can occur when skin and tissue are exposed to cold temperatures for too long. It’s important to be aware of the risks associated with frostbite, especially if you use an ice pack as part of your recovery process. Read More at
    Frostbite Injury Due to Improper Usage of an Ice Pack
    Frostbite is a serious medical condition that can occur when skin and tissue are exposed to cold temperatures for too long. It’s important to be aware of the risks associated with frostbite, especially if you use an ice pack as part of your recovery process. Unfortunately, improper usage of an ice pack can lead to a frostbite injury. In this blog post, we will discuss the various causes and consequences of frostbite due to improper usage of an ice pack so that you know how best to avoid it in the future. With this knowledge, you can ensure that your recovery process goes smoothly and safely. We’ll start by looking at the causes of frostbite due to improper usage of an ice pack. Generally, there are two main reasons why this type of injury could occur. The first reason is if the ice pack is used for too long. When using an ice pack, it's important to take frequent breaks and limit your use to no more than 20 minutes at a time. If you use an ice pack for longer than this, you could be putting yourself at risk of a frostbite injury. The second reason why a frostbite injury may occur from improper usage of an ice pack is if the temperature of the ice pack is too cold. The temperature of the ice pack should never be lower than 20 degrees Fahrenheit. If it is any colder, it could cause frostbite when applied to the skin. Finally, let’s look at the consequences of a frostbite injury due to improper usage of an ice pack. Frostbite can lead to permanent damage to the skin and tissue, as well as necrosis, which is the death of tissue due to lack of blood circulation. Frostbite can also cause a great deal of pain and discomfort, so it’s important to be mindful of your usage when using an ice pack. Cold temperatures can be dangerous and cause frostbite, a serious medical condition. To prevent injury from improper usage of an ice pack during recovery, it's important to understand the risks associated with this common treatment method. In this blog post we will cover what causes frostbite due to misuse of ice packs as well as how you can protect yourself in the future for successful healing without harm. One of the most common causes of frostbite due to misuse of an ice pack is using it too long. Applying an ice pack for longer than recommended can cause tissue damage and may lead to a frostbite injury. It’s important to follow the instructions on the packaging carefully and avoid using the cold compress for any more time than is necessary. Additionally, using an ice pack with the wrong temperature can also cause injury. Too cold of a compress can cause frostbite and should be avoided at all costs. It’s important to note that a frostbite injury due to improper usage of an ice pack is not only painful but also potentially dangerous. Frostbite causes damage to the skin and underlying tissue, which can lead to infection. In severe cases, a frostbite injury may also require medical attention. To prevent this from happening, it is important to use an ice pack safely and properly. When using an ice pack for recovery, be sure to read the instructions on the packaging carefully and adhere to them. It’s also important to monitor the temperature of the compress and adjust it as needed. Additionally, be sure to limit your exposure time with the ice pack and use a towel between your skin and the cold compress to help protect you from frostbite injury. In conclusion, frostbite injuries due to improper usage of an ice pack can be avoided if you understand the risks associated with it and take the necessary precautions. Make sure to limit your usage to no more than 20 minutes at a time and that the temperature of the ice pack is never lower than 20 degrees Fahrenheit. By doing so, you can ensure that your recovery process goes smoothly and safely. If you are looking for an ice pack to help with recovery and want to make sure you avoid the risks of frostbite, then Santamedical is a perfect choice! Santamedical’s cold therapy products are designed to provide maximum comfort while being safe and effective. Visit our website today.
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  • The Sphygmomanometer and the Sphygmograph The Sphygmomanometer and the Sphygmograph are two devices used to measure blood pressure. The sphygmomanometer is a cuff that wraps around your arm, while the sphygmograph is a pen-like device that measures blood pressure by recording ink fluctuations on paper. Both of these devices are important tools to help diagnose and monitor cardiovascular diseases. Read More About This -
    The Sphygmomanometer and the Sphygmograph The Sphygmomanometer and the Sphygmograph are two devices used to measure blood pressure. The sphygmomanometer is a cuff that wraps around your arm, while the sphygmograph is a pen-like device that measures blood pressure by recording ink fluctuations on paper. Both of these devices are important tools to help diagnose and monitor cardiovascular diseases. Read More About This -
    The Sphygmomanometer and the Sphygmograph
    The Sphygmomanometer and the Sphygmograph are two devices used to measure blood pressure. The sphygmomanometer is a cuff that wraps around your arm, while the sphygmograph is a pen-like device that measures blood pressure by recording ink fluctuations on paper. Both of these devices are important tools to help diagnose and monitor cardiovascular diseases. The sphygmomanometer is the most common device used in clinical settings, as it is easy to use and requires minimal skill or experience. The cuff inflates around your arm, squeezing the blood vessels below and recording the peak pressure inside. This information can be used to diagnose hypertension and other heart conditions. The sphygmograph is a less common device, but often more accurate. It works by placing a needle into the artery at the elbow and recording ink fluctuations on paper as blood pressure rises and falls. The sphygmograph can provide detailed information about the underlying cause of high or low blood pressure, such as irregular heart rhythms or valve problems. Both sphygmomanometers and sphygmographs are important tools for diagnosing and monitoring cardiovascular diseases. They can help health providers detect high blood pressure early on, monitor treatment, and reduce the risk of stroke or other cardiac events. As technology advances, these devices are becoming more accurate and easier to use. With this improved accuracy, doctors can provide better care and improve their patients’ quality of life. In summary, the sphygmomanometer and the sphygmograph are two devices used for measuring blood pressure. While the sphygmomanometer is more commonly used in clinical settings, the sphygmograph can provide more detailed information about cardiovascular disease. Both devices are important tools to help diagnose and monitor heart conditions, and they are becoming increasingly easier to use with the advancement of technology. If you're interested in learning more about sphygmomanometers or want to purchase your own medical device, please visit the Santamedical website. We offer a wide range of sphygmomanometers, as well as other medical devices and supplies
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  • How Accurate are Home Blood Pressure Devices? A recent study has shown that home blood pressure devices are not always accurate, which could lead to incorrect diagnosis and treatment. While most home blood pressure devices are generally accurate, there can be differences in how they measure your readings. This means that you need to take special care when using a home device to make sure you get the most accurate reading possible.
    How Accurate are Home Blood Pressure Devices? A recent study has shown that home blood pressure devices are not always accurate, which could lead to incorrect diagnosis and treatment. While most home blood pressure devices are generally accurate, there can be differences in how they measure your readings. This means that you need to take special care when using a home device to make sure you get the most accurate reading possible.
    How Accurate Are Home Blood Pressure Devices in Use?
    A recent study has shown that home blood pressure devices are not always accurate, which could lead to incorrect diagnosis and treatment. While most home blood pressure devices are generally accurate, there can be differences in how they measure your readings. This means that you need to take special care when using a home device to make sure you get the most accurate reading possible. When using a home blood pressure device, it is important to follow all of the manufacturer's instructions for use and to get regular calibration checks from your doctor. The manufacturer's instructions will usually include information about the type of cuff you should use, as well as how to position it correctly on your arm. It is also important to take multiple readings at different times of day in order to get a more accurate picture and average reading over time. Your doctor may also suggest getting a device that can measure your blood pressure autonomically, which means it will measure your blood pressure without you having to do anything. This type of device is often more accurate than home devices because it is not affected by factors like movement or stress. To ensure the accuracy of your home blood pressure readings, you should get regular check-ups with your doctor and make sure to talk to them about any changes in your readings that may occur. Your doctor can also recommend specific devices that are most accurate for you, given your individual needs and risk factors. Overall, home blood pressure devices are generally considered reliable and accurate when used correctly. However, it is important to follow manufacturer instructions and get regular check-ups with your doctor to ensure you are getting the most accurate readings possible. Doing so can help you better manage your blood pressure, which is key to a healthy lifestyle. Visit Santamedical website for their latest blood pressure monitors.
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  • The Sphygmomanometer and the Sphygmograph The Sphygmomanometer and the Sphygmograph are two devices used to measure blood pressure. The sphygmomanometer is a cuff that wraps around your arm, while the sphygmograph is a pen-like device that measures blood pressure by recording ink fluctuations on paper. Both of these devices are important tools to help diagnose and monitor cardiovascular diseases. Read More About This -
    The Sphygmomanometer and the Sphygmograph The Sphygmomanometer and the Sphygmograph are two devices used to measure blood pressure. The sphygmomanometer is a cuff that wraps around your arm, while the sphygmograph is a pen-like device that measures blood pressure by recording ink fluctuations on paper. Both of these devices are important tools to help diagnose and monitor cardiovascular diseases. Read More About This -
    The Sphygmomanometer and the Sphygmograph
    The Sphygmomanometer and the Sphygmograph are two devices used to measure blood pressure. The sphygmomanometer is a cuff that wraps around your arm, while the sphygmograph is a pen-like device that measures blood pressure by recording ink fluctuations on paper. Both of these devices are important tools to help diagnose and monitor cardiovascular diseases. The sphygmomanometer is the most common device used in clinical settings, as it is easy to use and requires minimal skill or experience. The cuff inflates around your arm, squeezing the blood vessels below and recording the peak pressure inside. This information can be used to diagnose hypertension and other heart conditions. The sphygmograph is a less common device, but often more accurate. It works by placing a needle into the artery at the elbow and recording ink fluctuations on paper as blood pressure rises and falls. The sphygmograph can provide detailed information about the underlying cause of high or low blood pressure, such as irregular heart rhythms or valve problems. Both sphygmomanometers and sphygmographs are important tools for diagnosing and monitoring cardiovascular diseases. They can help health providers detect high blood pressure early on, monitor treatment, and reduce the risk of stroke or other cardiac events. As technology advances, these devices are becoming more accurate and easier to use. With this improved accuracy, doctors can provide better care and improve their patients’ quality of life. In summary, the sphygmomanometer and the sphygmograph are two devices used for measuring blood pressure. While the sphygmomanometer is more commonly used in clinical settings, the sphygmograph can provide more detailed information about cardiovascular disease. Both devices are important tools to help diagnose and monitor heart conditions, and they are becoming increasingly easier to use with the advancement of technology. If you're interested in learning more about sphygmomanometers or want to purchase your own medical device, please visit the Santamedical website. We offer a wide range of sphygmomanometers, as well as other medical devices and supplies
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  • How Long Should You Ice an Injury For How long you should ice an injury for depends on the severity of your injury. If it is a minor sprain, then icing it for fifteen minutes every two hours should be sufficient. However, if you have a more serious injury, then you will need to ice it for longer periods of time and/or more often. Read More This at our Website.
    How Long Should You Ice an Injury For How long you should ice an injury for depends on the severity of your injury. If it is a minor sprain, then icing it for fifteen minutes every two hours should be sufficient. However, if you have a more serious injury, then you will need to ice it for longer periods of time and/or more often. Read More This at our Website.
    How Long Should You Ice an Injury For?
    How long you should ice an injury for depends on the severity of your injury. If it is a minor sprain, then icing it for fifteen minutes every two hours should be sufficient. However, if you have a more serious injury, then you will need to ice it for longer periods of time and/or more often. It is important to note that the longer you ice an injury, the better it can help reduce swelling and inflammation, which can be incredibly useful in speeding up your recovery. If you are uncertain of how long to ice an injury, then it is always best to consult your doctor or physical therapist for advice on the best treatment plan. In addition to ice, it is also important to rest and elevate your injury. If you can keep the injured area elevated while it is iced, this can be very beneficial as well. Getting sufficient rest will also help reduce inflammation and swelling in the injured area. Once the initial swelling has gone down, then you can begin to apply heat, which can help loosen tight muscles and increase blood flow. Heat should be applied for no more than 15 minutes at a time and never directly on the skin; always use some kind of protective barrier such as a towel or cloth to prevent burns. Ice, rest, and elevation are all important steps when it comes to treating an injury, so make sure that you are following these guidelines in order to get the best results. If you have any questions or doubts about how long to ice an injury, always consult with your doctor or physical therapist for advice on the best course of treatment. With the right care and attention, you can help ensure a successful recovery and be back to your normal activities in no time. If you have recently experienced an injury and are looking for relief, then investing in a Santamedical Reusable Gel Pack is a great option. By applying cold or hot therapy to the injured area, this gel pack can help reduce swelling and inflammation which can accelerate your healing process. The Santamedical Reusable Gel Pack is designed with comfort in mind, and its reusable design helps you save money on additional ice packs. With a Santamedical Reusable Gel Pack, you can conveniently provide cold or hot therapy to an injured area in the comfort of your own home. Visit Santamedical website now!!!
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  • Best Dual Head Stethoscope SantaMedical is one of the trusted brand that manufactures high quality stethoscopes. It has been helping Doctors, Nurses and other healthcare professionals for years. Santamedical Dual Head Stethoscope is a wonderful product that brings a whole new level to the stethoscope game. Contact us at (888) 666-1557 or visit our website.
    Best Dual Head Stethoscope SantaMedical is one of the trusted brand that manufactures high quality stethoscopes. It has been helping Doctors, Nurses and other healthcare professionals for years. Santamedical Dual Head Stethoscope is a wonderful product that brings a whole new level to the stethoscope game. Contact us at (888) 666-1557 or visit our website.
    Ever Ready First Aid Dual Head Stethoscope - Black
    EVER READY FIRST DAY P R O D U C T     D E T A I L S ✔ IDEAL FOR DIAGNOSTICS - An excellent general-purpose stethoscope for all manner of medical professionals. Designed to assist doctors, nurses, and EMTs with patient diagnostics and evaluations. ✔ IDEAL FOR DIAGNOSTICS- An excellent general-purpose stethoscope for all manner of medical professionals. Designed to assist doctors, nurses, and EMTs with patient diagnostics and evaluations. ✔ DUAL-HEAD STETHOSCOPE - Designed for patients of all ages, the stethoscope is made for nurses, doctors, and medical students looking for a high-quality stethoscope. The ear tubes are both flexible and adjustable to ensure the most comfortable fit for the user. The solidly constructed chest piece allows for superior contact with the patient to provide more accurate readings and evaluations. ✔ DUAL LUMEN DESIGN - Eliminates the auditory interference that's common in the other two tube stethoscopes. The two tubes in one design eliminate the rubbing noise that traditional double tube stethoscopes tend to create. ✔ ANATOMICALLY DESIGNED - The specially designed headset is made to match the angle of the ear canal for a superior fit that allows for better performance. The large 27-inch length allows you to easily accommodate all patients from infants to adults. ✔ COSPLAY AND ROLE PLAY - Heighten the fun and realism of your role play and cosplay activities by adding this functioning stethoscope to your outfit to take actual readings. It is durable and available in multiple colors to easily match your clothing. S P E C I F I C A T I O NColor: BlackRelease Date: 20-01-2015Package Dimensions: 7.9 x 4.0 x 1.2 inchesRelease Date: 20-01-2015
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